Besides our great service, and super convenient mobile repairs, we are giving you another great reason to love Phone Repair Ambulance! No other phone repair service aims to save you more time or money than Phone Repair Ambulance, and just to show our appreciation, we will consistently offer money saving deals and specials on our coupons page! If you are looking to use one of our coupons on your next phone repair, here are 3 simple steps to get you started.
1. Visit our Coupons Page
Every month we will offer different deals and specials on our coupons page that will be sure to save you money on your next phone repair! Simply log on to to get started.
2. Unlock Coupons With Social Media
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3. Use Coupon Code
Once you are on the coupon page, find a coupon code for your order, and either print the coupon to bring into the store, or use the coupon code in your online order.
Phone Repair Ambulance is Houston’s #1 choice for mobile cell phone repair. Have you tried one of our coupons lately? Leave a comment below to let us know of your experience!